Feature Advisor Article – The Farming Community Network (FCN) September 2024
September 1, 2024

Our Island Community Really Counts at Times of Change

Wight Rural Hub bring Isle of Wight farmers and land owners a series of feature articles, written by advisors. If you are an advisor and would like to write an article for the Island’s rural community, or an Island farmer or landowner with an idea for an article; please let us know on 01983 296244 / info@wightruralhub.co.uk.

The Farming Community Network (FCN) are a voluntary organisation & charity that supports farmers and families within the farming community.

We welcomed Mark & Sally from FCN onto our County Show stand and shared a great event.  FCN hope to be at future Wight Rural Hub seminars, updates and are again sharing our stand at the Ploughing Match on the 21st.

FCN’s article shows their knowledge of farming life and the support that is available, including FarmWell.

You can contact FCN any day of the year from 7am to 11pm. Call 03000 111 999 or email help@fcn.org.uk.

“Please stay safe during the late summer and autumn months and know that FCN has ‘got your back’. Thank you for all you do to put food on our plates and maintain the beautiful Isle of Wight community and landscape.”

Click here to read the The Farming Community Network’s Article – September 2024

NB Articles are written independently of the Wight Rural Hub

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