Isle of Wight Barn Meet
Barn meets’ are an opportunity for rural residents, businesses, farmers, game keepers and land owners to get together with local police officers.
This one isn’t actually in a barn, but hopefully it is in a location that is convenient and accessible to you.
Thursday 8th June 2023
6pm – 8.30-pm – Doors open at 5.45pm
At Community Action Isle of Wight, Riverside Centre, The Quay, Newport, PO30 2QR
We will have guest speakers from:
- Local neighbourhood team – Inspector Matthew Gooding
- BASC – Felicity Winters
- Country Watch – Sergeant Stuart Ross
Break – 15 minutes
- CPS – Angharad Thomas (via Teams link)
- Firearms Licencing Manager – Rowena Price
- HIOW Wildlife Trust – on their Beaver project – Jamie Marsh
Our thanks goes to BASC who has kindly arranged and funded the venue costs for this event. Thank you.